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I don't know about you, but I practice a disorganized religion. I belong to an unholy disorder. We call ourselves, "Our Lady of Perpetual Astonishment."

- Kurt Vonnegut


is a designer, director and instigator of people and ideas.

She is co-founder and co-director of Holes in the Wall Collective, a non-profit supporting culture shift through creativity across fields and identities.

With over 20 years of creating new theater, divining dream circuses, and wrangling impossible visions in multi-disciplinary happenings,  she has performed throughout New York, on giant boats in San Francisco, and in various media and mediums in Scotland, Los Angeles and Kansas City. In the interest of asking the questions with no marks, Dhira has led paratheatrical research in Iceland, eaten popcorn nearing the speed of light, and corrupted academic conferences by transforming podiums into performative slinkies.

She has designed for various New York restaurants (Ganso NYC, Runner & Stone, Belle Cheese, Big Eye Sushi) as well as promotional and web materials for non-profits and artist groups across the country.
Dhira used to design coffee curriculum as a foil for learning about direct trade, economics, the chemistry of water and world geography and once helped run the hottest little sushi restaurant in San Francisco (Midori Mushi).  She remains deeply connected to the shared experience of food & drink, sometimes still moonlighting as a sushi chef, performing the precision of the palate with an extremely large knife. 

She has training in herbal medicine, biodynamic farming, urban farm education, and various voice and body practices that inform everything from how to make breakfast to how to design a good website.

Whether through hi-fiving strangers at the NYC marathon or supporting feminist economists through her non-profit, all her work points towards galvinizing the human spirit while not forsaking each other or the land. 

In addition to running a nonprofit together, Dhira and her wife now have a tiny human who teaches them daily how to live - here, now and for the future.

She holds a Masters in Creative Inquiry from EPI at New College and a BFA from Tisch Experimental Theater Wing with honors. 

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